Winter Ales are generally darker in color and may contain a higher percentage of alcohol than other beers and may or may not have a richer, more nutty aroma. I may or may not be confused about how Winter Ales are different than other beers.
Appearance: It has a dark amber color but isn’t too cloudy. Its thick foam lingers on the sides of the glass long after the beer is gone.
Smell: Full Moon has a rich, nutty fragrance with a hint of coffee beans. Not too overwhelming, though, like Porters can be.
Taste: There is a mild coffee flavor in my first sip of Full Moon, though not in the aftertaste. Hmm....strange. It has virtually no aftertaste at all, which is good because I don’t much care for coffee. Coffee’s smell is delightful, its taste is tolerable, but its aftertaste is pretty damn unpleasant. The entire glass of beer drinks this way—a hint of coffee taste initially, but not aftertaste. When I’m finished, little beads of foam still hang on the sides of the glass.
Mouthfeel: Thicker and frothier than most beers I can think of, but a lot lighter than any Porter I can think of.Drinkability: While Full Moon is a far cry from my beloved Blue Moon, this Winter Ale isn’t half bad.
Here's what my friend Rebecca says about Full Moon:
"It tastes like Sierra Nevada mixed with regular Blue Moon, with a kitty litter aftertaste."
If that's not a ringing endorsement, I don't know what is.