What candidate would you most like to have a beer with?

If you owned your own bar and could only have one beer on tap, which would it be?

When is it ok to start drinking? St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, and your birthday excluded.

Which bad beer is the worst?

What goes best with beer?

Which dead person do you wish you could have a beer with?

What sporting events are best for beer drinking?

Steer Clear of Skippy's Made With Miller Light

I recently tried making Skippy's (also known as Hunch Punch and Fadorade) with Miller Light instead of Bud Light and it was bad news bears. I first tried Skippy's with my friend Rebecca and we used Burnett's Vodka, Minute Maid Lemonade and Bud Light. We immediately fell in love with it and almost always drink it when we get together.

But Skippy's made with Miller Light is quite a different story. In addition to to looking like the urine of a person who hasn't had water in a long time, it tastes off too. If you're buying ingredients for this delicious beer cocktail, steer clear of Miller Light! If Miller Light is cheaper than Bud Light, pay extra for Bud Light. If you're into drinks that look like urine samples, by all means, use Miller Light.