What candidate would you most like to have a beer with?

If you owned your own bar and could only have one beer on tap, which would it be?

When is it ok to start drinking? St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, and your birthday excluded.

Which bad beer is the worst?

What goes best with beer?

Which dead person do you wish you could have a beer with?

What sporting events are best for beer drinking?

Red Eye and Liquid Viagra

A couple of nights ago I had my friend Rebecca over to try a couple more beer cocktails.

Red Eye was the first one we tried.

Red Eye is “A Bloody Mary made with 3-4 oz of Clamato and a pint of light beer, or just beer and tomato juice.”[1]

We used beer and Clamato tomato juice. It looks like a watered down Bloody Mary.

“It tastes like a spaghetti smoothie...but with beer,” Rebecca says and makes a gross face.

“Yeah, it’s pretty disgusting,” I agree. “It’s like I just took a bite of pizza and the pizza taste is still in my mouth.”

Rebecca thinks it gets a little with more beer added. I think it tastes even worse.

We move on to Liquid Viagra.

Liquid Viagra is a beer cocktail made from Red Bull energy drink and beer. The first one I make is ½ Red Bull and ½ Amber Lager (from my JW Dundee’s Craft Pack).

“It’s not very good,” says Rebecca.

“No it’s not. I want it to be a Jäger bomb, but it’s not.”

“Maybe it needs more beer,” Rebecca suggests.

So I open another bottle of Amber Lager and pour a little into Rebecca’s glass.

“Don’t be stingy with the beer Beth,” Rebecca says. “Everything else is just a side item.”

When we get restless with the experimenting, we decide to make some more Skippy’s.

Since we ran out of Bud Light, we use JW Dundee’s Hefeweizen (from the JW Dundee's Craft Pack) instead.

“Hefeweizen is kind of citrusy anyways. It’ll probably mix well with lemonade,” says Rebecca.

This batch of Skippy’s is not as good as the first time we made it, but it’s certainly better than Red Eye or Liquid Viagra.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_cocktail


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